Curriculum Approaches


In English we follow a Talk for Writing approach, allowing children to imitate the language they need for a particular topic orally, before reading and analysing it, and then writing their own version.

For more information

We use Oxford Reading Tree reading books for the children to work through, starting with the phonic based books on each stage. Rooted in reading for pleasure and with systematic phonics at its heart, Oxford Reading Tree’s well-loved characters and varied writing styles give children everything they need to become confident readers.

The children all have their own Bug Club account which allows them to read a variety of texts online, at school and at home, and answer comprehension questions as they move through the books. They can also access Grammar and Spelling activites.  

We base our Phonic lessons on the DfES Letters and Sounds programme but also include some Jolly Phonic actions to make it more memorable.


Powermaths forms the basis of our maths lessons, sparking curiosity, excitement and confidence in maths.


In RE lessons we follow Come and See, a Catholic Primary Religious Education programme.


Our PSHCE lessons now follow a ‘Life to the Full’ programme outlined by ‘Ten Ten’ Resources linking relationship education with our Catholic faith. 

Our Computing lessons (and other subjects) are supported by the software Purple Mash. It helps us bring the whole curriculum to life and learn how to embed our computing and digitial skills.

We plan our topic based curriculum around key texts and the children’s questions, linking our History, Geography, Art, Design and Technology, Science, Computing, Music and French as much as possible. We also plan stand alone lessons where it is more appropriate, particularly for Music, French, Science and Computing.

Please see our class pages for more information and curriculum details can be found on our phase knowledge organisers.