Church Seasons

Ordinary Time

For a few weeks in January and February, and then all through the Summer and Autumn up to the first Sunday in Advent, the Church celebrates the season of ‘Ordinary Time.’

‘Ordinary’ in this sense does not mean dull or colourless! It comes from the word ‘Ordinal’ and means counted. Each of the weeks of this season has a number eg The twenty third Sunday in Ordinary Time.

During Ordinary Time, at Church we hear the stories of Jesus’ life from the Gospels; as well as the Letters of St Paul and others to the early Christian Communities.

Liturgical Colour

We use GREEN to symbolise this season, as this represents life and growth.

Doing Ordinary Things Well

This season helps us to think about how we can do everyday things to the best of our ability and continue to grow as Christians.

“In everything you say or do, do it as Jesus would want you to” [based on Colossians 3:17)

“I will be nice to my brother, more helpful and not argue too much”

“I will be nice to my family, share my stuff and help people”

“I will try to be helpful to my classmates and say sorry for sins”


November is a special time of the year for Catholics, known as ‘the month of the Holy Souls,’ as during this period we especially remember our loved ones who are no longer with us. We pray for our dead, and entrust them to God’s tender care and mercy.

At school we have our own Book of Remembrance, pupils, staff and parents are invited to write in it the names of loved ones who have passed from this world to the next. We are also invited to bring in photos or remembrance/Mass cards of those we have lost.

“Eternal rest grant to them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them, may they rest in peace. Amen.”


Repent and believe the Good News!

The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, the day after Shrove Tuesday (or ‘Pancake day’), and ends on Holy (Maundy) Thursday in the evening

During these six weeks we prepare for the most important feast in the Christian calendar – Easter. Many choose to give up a favourite treat (fasting), find extra time to pray and look for ways to help others (alms giving). It is about trying to live more like Jesus, and growing closer to God.

The liturgical colour used in Lent is purple. This is to symbolise death, sorrow and Royalty. Jesus died for us at the Crucifixion but rose again in glory as a King.

What will you do this Lent?

“Turn your life toward God and Live!” Ezekiel 18:32

Easter Season

Jesus is Alive – Alleluia!!

The Easter Season begins on Easter Sunday and ends 50 days later on Pentecost Sunday.

During this time we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection to new life, and the chance He gives us to share in that new life with Him.

The liturgical colours are white or gold.

We are an Easter people – let us celebrate!

“We know he is alive for we have seen him” [based on Acts 2:32]


Advent is the season when we prepare for Christmas. We remember Christ’s first coming and also reflect on His Second Coming at the end of time.

Advent is a time for devout and joyful expectation.

The liturgical colour is PURPLE, it symbolises renewal, kingship and saying sorry.

“Prepare the way for the coming of God” Luke 3:3