
Welcome to St Mary’s prayers page, all the prayers have been written by or found by pupils. If you would like to have one of your prayers included, please speak to a member of the School Chaplaincy Team.

Lord our God, in our giving, may we receive; in our kindness may the Lord be kind to us; in our sharing may we be blessed.

Thank you Lord for this day, for my family and friends for your love and care.

As you believe that Jesus rose from the dead, so you live with him forever in joy.

Dear God,

Thank you for creating us.

And thank you for loving us.

We will love everyone

Just like you.


By Lily

Pray the Rosary with us

Our Rosary Club was delighted to be joined by Joe Hopkins, the Director of Catechesis for the Nottingham Diocese. Joe joined us as we prayed the Glorious Mysteries and interviewed our School Chaplain, Mrs Hazel, and the children about why they like praying the Rosary.

You can listen to the podcast here –



Saint of the Month

At St Mary’s School each month we celebrate the lives of the saints.


“If I did not simply live from one moment to another, it would be impossible for me to be patient, but I only look at the present, I forget the past, and I take good care not to forestall the future.”

Thérèse de Lisieux